Close the door, put your keys on the table, your hooves through my mane, your whip on my flanks, your loins against mine. The poney boys are in a constant state of fusion, attracting then rejecting each other, following their own fleeting desires. How did you get stuck in a cyclical game of domination and submission of mythical resonance with your best bro? (this happens more often than you think)
This show rides (quite literally) the line between heterosexuality and everything else that exists. To those who know, it has some pretty obvious queer coded tension, and to those who don't well, it may spark something or at least resonate as an exploration or virile friendship and expression of love ;) ;) ;) .
Creative approach for this piece
Les Lewski create movement through the use of chimerical costumes, connecting several performers or giving the illusion of a modification of their bodies. The costume seizes control of the body; it may be fought or appropriated. Their irreverent aesthetic is informed by pop culture and designed to create illusions that are immediately deconstructed. From these discrepancies between sound, costume, space and acting, emerges a suspended world defined by a twisting of our once familiar codes.
Don't be shy, let us know if you'd like a full video link to the performance.
Choreography Audrée Lewka / Performed by David Emmanuel Jauniaux, Guillaume Danielewski and Maxime Stabili / Outside Eye Pierre-Luc Lapointe / Production Manager David Emmanuel Jauniaux / Technical Director and Stage Management Sylvie Nobert / Lighting Design Sylvie Nobert, Lee Anholt / Costume Design Audrée Lewka / Repeater Emmalie Ruest / Photo and video teaser Audrée Lewka and David Emmanuel Jauniaux / Creative residencies - José Navas
past presentations
Poneyboyz has been presented at OFFTA festival 2019, Chantiers constructions artistiques 2019 and more recently FURIES festival 2023 as an in-situ piece near the village beach in Marsoui, QC.
year of creation
2018 in its 10 minutes orginal version at Danses Buissonière @ Tangente, 2019 in it's current 20 minutes version